sexta-feira, 4 de junho de 2010

Homeopatia e outros produtos da pseudociência

Caros nautas,

Sou um crítico ferrenho da homeopatia pela razão maior de que se trata de um empreitada lucrativa encima de pseudociência.

Pseudociência, para quem não sabe, é o uso dos jargões de área, muitas vezes não correlacionados e quase sempre mal empregados, para descrever fenômenos e mecanismos naturais que nunca foram de fato testados ou deduzidos segundo o crivo cético da ciência sistmatizada. Ou seja, é uma elegante baboseira.

Olha só mais um fruto recente da pseudociência. E para os homeopatas que se sentirem ofendidos, eu os desafio a mostrar uma diferença real entre a pseudociência aqui exposta e a da homeopatia.

Extraído do website: http://www.nativis.us/tech-drug-signal-therapy.htm


Nativis has developed and patented a breakthrough technology that captures the unique photon field (signal) of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API), or drugs. The signal can be replicated without the cost and environmental impacts of traditional pharmaceutical manufacturing processes and delivered to treat serious diseases safely and effectively. Nativis drug signal therapy promises to transform the practice of medicine by providing hope to millions of people suffering from diseases that cannot benefit from traditional therapies.

How it Works

Every drug molecule in a solution is surrounded by a photon field that contains information unique to the molecule. With Nativis’ technology, the photon field, or “drug signal” can be recorded and then replicated for medical treatment.

Nativis has proven in preliminary trials that the drug signal – or photonic signature – mimics the original chemical molecule and can unlock the same biological processes as the original to treat diseases, such as brain tumors. With the technology, the drug signal can be reproduced rapidly and flawlessly, each time containing all relevant biochemical information encoded into the new therapeutic signal to drive a biologic reaction. The drug signal can be delivered orally, intravenously, intraperitoneally and intrathecally. The new platform holds particular promise for treating diseases that traditional drug molecules have difficulty reaching, such as brain tumors, which are isolated behind the blood-brain barrier.

In order to capture the photons of the active pharmaceutical ingredients (API), Nativis developed a proprietary, state-of-the art platform for capturing the photon field using the latest advancement in superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) technology, known as Molecular Interrogation and Data Systems™ (MIDS).

The process:

•MIDS captures the photon field surrounding the solvation shell of a molecule in solution.

•Captured photons are then imprinted into Coherence Domains in dipole (water-based) solution for delivery to patients; following administration, the photon payload chemically activates a non-water molecule for therapeutic effect.

•Nativis has proven in preclinical trials that the drug signal mimics the original chemical molecule and can unlock the same biological processes as the original to treat diseases.

•Drug signal therapy has proven successful in crossing the blood-brain and other barriers to deliver fast, safe results with no measurable adverse side effects.

•Nativis is in the early stages of exploring the application of its technology to other areas of need. Click here for further information on Digitax, RNAi technology and Future Discoveries.


Muito cuidado com os gatunos de plantão. Eles estão aprimorando o jargão.


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